Me: it can’t get any worse. Also me: finds out that soft swinging is a thing.

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lol, yeah seems like everyday there is something else

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18 hrs agoLiked by Jim Dalrymple II

This is a very insightful essay. I converted to Catholicism as an adult and wasn’t raised religious (my Dad was a secular libertarian who probably agrees with you about most things, and I think he’s a bit mortified that one of his kids turned out to be a “holy roller” 😂).

I know very little about Mormonism and never met a Mormon until I was an adult, but I do think maybe the biggest mistake a lot of religious parents make is sheltering their children so much that they are simply overwhelmed by freedom and even by a diversity of ideas once they leave the nest. I think the other big mistake is caring so much about the appearance of goodness that self-discipline etc. falls by the wayside. I think there seems to be a lot of both among Utah Mormons especially. I see similar issues in certain Catholic communities, especially those that are seen as high-prestige or very traditional.

I agree that this kind of selfishness ruins lives, and in the end it doesn’t even make the selfish person happier. They’re always chasing the next high.

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Great points all around and I think you are very right about Mormonism specifically. A significant percentage of my cohort from college has left Mormonism, and it is interesting when folks go from one extreme to another, such as partying harder and longer than non-religious peers. I think being "overwhelmed by freedom and even by a diversity of ideas once they leave the nest" is the perfect way to put it.

As a side note, I'd be interested in your thoughts on converting to Catholicism, if you're comfortable sharing at all. What led you in that direction?

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That's a good question - I was always very drawn to religion and spirituality. My parents sent me to Catholic school for a few years because our local public schools were having major problems - kids bringing weapons to school, significant problems with very young pregnancy etc. I went to secular prep school when I was twelve but I always maintained an interest in the ancient traditions of Catholicism and I think that's ultimately what brought me to the fold. I also always loved Pope JPII, even as a kid. He was kind of a celebrity, from what I remember (he died when I was nine) and I saw him as kind of a grandpa figure. I would say those two things influenced me the most. Plus, the fact my parents hated it was kind of a bonus, ha!

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